Renovations at Debony Salon

We are almost through phase one in our project here at Debony!  I can not say enough about the guys at MWV Homes, Jonathan Taylor Electric, Tim Savard, and Dennis Lufkin and friends.  We are working on a very tight schedule, designed by Tim Shellmer, and this group is doing everything in its power to make it happen!  Thank you.


I want to thank all of this wonderful staff and customers for bearing with us.  It will be worth it in the end! I promise!


That being said, I know we are getting into crunch time with appointments.  Please know your business is important to us. This front desk staff is working hard to accommodate.  If you are not getting something to meet your needs, please, please get on our cancellation list. We work off of this list regularly, and I, for one, added more time back into my book where the project schedule has allowed.


We can not wait to share this new space with you, and all of the changes at Debony!


Thank you,

